
Frequently Asked Questions


What services are offered?

为所有入学学生提供免费的初步咨询. 协商后,在适当情况下提出进一步服务的建议. Ongoing services may include short-term counseling, individual psychotherapy, and psychiatric services. SCS also offers outreach and preventative programming.

Who offers the services?

服务 are offered by licensed clinical psychologists, a psychiatric nurse practitioner, and a post-doctoral fellow in clinical psychology. 学生们也可以在博士培训的最后一年见到心理医生.

Who is eligible for services?

所有上州医科大学的入学学生都有资格与SCS进行初步咨询. Students on extended leaves of absence (i.e.(超过6周),不符合接受服务的资格,并会转介至社区.

Where are the services offered?

服务在哈里森街719号精神病学和行为科学大楼提供. and remotely via WebEx (please note, 学生必须在纽约州境内才能参与SCS服务).

When are the services offered?

学生咨询的开放时间为周一至周五上午8:30至下午4:30. 一些临床医生的日程安排允许预约早于或晚于这些时间.

How do I make appointments?

最初的预约是通过联系学生咨询在464-3120. 通常情况下,我们能够在收到请求后的五个工作日内提供初次预约, although at times of high volume (e.g., early fall) this may be longer. 持续的服务通常每周进行一次,由学生和临床医生安排.

How long are sessions?

初次咨询预约和个别咨询或治疗预约持续约45分钟. Medication management visits may be shorter. 如果你迟到了,你的会议将缩短或重新安排.

Are there limitations to services?

SCS从短期干预模式起作用,通常不提供长期(例如, greater than 12 months) treatment. 如果你需要或想要长期治疗,SCS可以帮助你转介到社区. 除了, SCS cannot provide:

  • 由任何第三方授权的心理健康评估或治疗服务, including a court of law, University administration, or any professional or disciplinary body
  • Formal evaluations to document learning disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, or the need for an emotional support animal
  • 学生因心理健康问题而免除考试或其他学业要求的批注
  • 为那些正式离开社区的学生提供服务

If you are seeking the above services, 请致电464-3120协助转介到适当的提供者在社区.

What about confidentiality?

临床信息是保密的,在法律上享有特权. 未经您的书面许可,信息不能透露给任何其他方. 然而,在纽约州,这条规则有几个例外. 如果临床医生认为你对自己或他人有迫在眉睫的伤害威胁, we must disclose this to the appropriate parties, which may include emergency services, your emergency contact, or, if the concern would directly affect the University, the Dean of Student Affairs or the Director of 学生健康. 如果辅导员意识到虐待儿童或老人,他们被法律要求提交报告. 临床医生也必须在法院的命令下公布机密信息.

Because SCS is a health care service, 在医学上必要时,学生健康和学生咨询可以共享信息. 学生健康中心与学生咨询中心遵守同样的保密规则,未经学生书面许可,不得与他人分享信息.

Are records kept in 学生Counseling?

是的. 法律和职业道德要求我们保存我们的服务记录. 这些记录被安全地保存在电子病历中,与推荐最近最火的赌博软件或其他医疗机构的病历分开. 教职员工、管理人员或其他学生不得查阅记录.

What if I am not happy with my clinician?

如果你不满意你得到的帮助,请与你的临床医生公开讨论这个问题. 这为你提供了获得更有帮助的体验的最好机会. 如果您仍然觉得您的担忧没有得到解决,请联系医生. 范德霍夫电话315-464-3120来讨论你的问题和选择.

Can I choose my own clinician?

Students are paired with clinicians based on clinical need and staff availability; for this reason, SCS不提供选择看哪个临床医生的选项. 有时, 学生们要求只与特定性别的临床医生一起工作, 比赛, sexual orientation, 宗教, 或种族. 通常, 这是出于担心与学生不同的人可能无法理解或与学生一起工作. SCS provides culturally-sensitive services and seeks to provide an environment in which students feel safe exploring difficult personal issues; however, 这种安全性不仅仅是基于治疗师的人口统计数据. 仅仅根据人口统计学来判断临床医生的潜在疗效对学生和临床医生都是有害的. 出于这些原因, 学生咨询并不实行基于人口统计学的学生与治疗师的“匹配”.

Are there any fees for services?

服务 are free of charge, 虽然学生负责任何处方药物的费用或与药物管理相关的实验室工作.

Does therapy really work?

大量对照结果研究表明,心理治疗在解决焦虑等问题上是有效的, 抑郁症, and interpersonal conflicts. 除了, 精神药理学干预已被发现可以成功地治疗一系列精神健康障碍.

How do I know if I need services?

如果你试图独自解决一个问题,但没有成功,如果这个问题干扰了你的情绪健康或生活质量, that’s a good time to consider seeking more help.