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Upstate Wellness Awards

Upstate continues to receive awards for the programs in place for employees as well as the Central New York Community.

American Heart Association Gold Fit-Friendly Award

AHA award

The American Heart Association, AHA, recognizes corporations who offer heart-healthy programs to employees.  Programs include physical activities and nutrition programs.   Pathway to Wellness encourages employees to take the stairs, has mapped walking trails, offers Meatless Monday options and weight management programs.   These are just a few of the programs that earned Upstate Medical Center Pathway to Wellness the honorable distinction as a AHA Gold Fit-Friendly corporation.

Central New York Business Journal Workplace Wellness Award


Each year the Central New York Business Journal recognizes corporations who offer distinctive wellness programs.  Upstate Medical Center won the top award for wellness programs for a company of 1,000 or more employees.   Many corporations in CNY compete for this recognition and have to demonstrate unique program offerings.  Upstate offers indoor and outdoor walking trails, weight management program, online programs for weight management and diabetes education.  Programs are available online at any time and the trails available to all shifts.  Pathway to Wellness makes wellness easy to access.

American Cancer Society Cancer CEO Gold Standard Award

ACS Gold Award

The CEO Gold Standard Award was given to Upstate Medical Center as an acknowledgment of our commitment to the health of our employees and families by meeting the exceptionally high standard of cancer prevention guidelines.  One guideline is to be a tobacco-free facility and another is to offer smoking cessation services to employees and their spouses.  Other programs required are nutrition programs and fitness programs.   Pathway to Wellness was able to provided and support many of these guidelines to help make Upstate Medical Center reach the CEO Gold Standard.

The newest award, is from the American Diabetes Association

ADA Award

The American Diabetes Association, ADA, recognizes employers who promote health to decrease risks of diabetes in the work place.   Exercise, nutrition play a key role in this award as well as participation in promoting the Diabetes Alert Day and Fit Don't Sit Day.  Pathway to Wellness encourages walking  with Monday Mile programs and good nutrition with a healthy salad bar activity and promotion.  These are just a few steps employees can participate in to decrease the risk of diabetes.  Go to  sfqm.3600151.com/wellness and click on diabetes to learn more about diabetes from a program developed by Upstate's Kristi Shaver, RN.
