

尽管女性在过去的30年里取得了进步, they remain severely underrepresented in most nontraditional professional occupations as well as blue-collar trades. 美国.S. 劳工部玻璃天花板委员会的报告(1995)指出, 而白人男性只占财富2000强劳动力的43%, 她们占据了95%的高级管理职位. 此外,女性只有8岁.占所有工程师的6%, 不到百分之一的木匠, 23%的律师, 16%的警察, 3.7%的消防员. 白人男性占美国人口的33%.S. 人口, 但是65%的医生, 71%的律师, 80%的终身教授, 94%的学校负责人.
平权行动不需要偏好, 女性和少数族裔也不认为自己会得到优待. 比赛, 性别, 国家的起源 are factors that can be considered when hiring or accepting qualified applicants. Hiring qualified women and minorities is similar to the preferences given to veterans in hiring and to children of alumni in college admissions. 在选择合格的候选人时,还有其他的偏好. 例如, 当私立学院和大学重视校园的地理多样性时, 州外学生可能比州内学生更早被录取. Some colleges and universities consider athletic abilities and/or evidence of leadership skills in addition to academic qualifications.
Affirmative action provides women and minorities with full educational and workplace opportunities. 根据现行法律,配额是非法的. 联邦承包商必须制定目标和时间表, 并作出真诚的努力去满足他们. 比赛, 国家的起源, 性别是需要考虑的几个因素之一, 但相关和有效的工作或教育资格不容妥协. 进一步, the Supreme Court has made clear that affirmative action or programs that claim to be affirmative action are illegal if: (1) an unqualified person receives benefits over a qualified one; (2) numerical goals are so strict that the plan lacks reasonable flexibility; (3) the numerical goals bear no relationship to the available pool of qualified candidates and could therefore become quotas; (4) the plan is not fixed in length; or (5) innocent bystanders are impermissibly harmed.

有证据表明,对白人男性的歧视很少见. 例如, 91人中,平等就业机会委员会受理的000起就业歧视案件, 大约3%是针对白人男性的歧视案件. 此外,罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)委托美国农业部进行的一项研究.S. Department of Labor (1995) found that discrimination against white men is not a significant problem in employment and that a "high proportion" of claims brought by white men are "没有法律依据."

Affirmative action provides the employer with the largest pool of qualified applicants from which to choose.
Women and minorities face discrimination as they climb the corporate ladder and bump up against the "glass ceiling.“例如,美国.S. 劳工部玻璃天花板委员会的报告(1995)指出 而白人男性只占财富2000强劳动力的43%, 她们占据了95%的高级管理职位. 平权行动项目是积极的, 采取积极措施,防止各级就业中的歧视. Affirmative action based on need would fail to break down barriers that women and minorities experience in the workplace, 尤其是在更高层次上.
Unqualified individuals are being hired and promoted for the sake of diversity/affirmative action.
Only affirmative action plans that do not compromise valid job or educational qualifications are lawful. 计划必须灵活、现实、可审查和公平. The Supreme Court has found that there are at least two permissible bases for voluntary affirmative action by employers under Title VII: (1) to remedy a clear and convincing history of past discrimination by the employer or union, (2)纠正雇主的明显不平衡 劳动力. 因此, 平权行动计划旨在雇用最合格的个人, 同时实现所有人的机会平等.
国会已经, 以两党合作的方式, created federal procurement programs to counter the effects of discrimination that have raised artificial barriers to the formation, 发展, 以及利用弱势个人拥有的企业, 包括妇女和少数民族. 只有符合条件的企业才能参与这些采购项目. 联邦法律总体上规定了几个, national goals to encourage broader participation in federal procurement: 20 percent for small businesses, 5%用于小型弱势企业, 女性拥有的企业占5%. The goals are flexible and reflect an aspiration, not a guarantee that they will be achieved. 有了这些目标, women and minority-owned business have begun to expand opportunity for women and minority contractors. 1982年至1991年, the dollar volume of federal contracts increased by 200 percent to women-owned firms and 125 percent to minority-owned firms. 然而, these programs are still needed because while minorities own almost nine percent of all businesses and women own 34 percent of all businesses, 少数民族和妇女加起来只有8个.占超过2000亿美元联邦合同的8%. 进一步, without these programs the share of contracts to women- and minority-owned businesses will fall drastically. 例如, after the 1989 Croson decision invalidating the minority contracting program in Richmond, 维吉尼亚州, the share of contracting dollars going to minority-owned firms in Richmond fell from 38.5%到2%.2%.
平权行动意味着采取积极的行动, 积极主动的, 并采取先发制人的措施消除歧视, 而不是等待事后的诉讼. 第七条解决歧视问题, 但它只有在被指控存在歧视的情况下才会这样做. Affirmative action policies are a means to end discrimination in a far less costly and disruptive way than protracted litigation.
Underrepresentation of minorities and women in the corporate world (or other high-paying jobs) is not due to discrimination.
Discrimination is not the sole reason for the lack of women and minorities in the corporate world. 然而,我们必须处理过去和现在的歧视. 一项针对1982年斯坦福MBA毕业班的研究发现, in 1992, 16%的男性担任首席执行官,而女性的这一比例为2%. 23%的男性成为公司副总裁, 但只有10%的女性, 而15%的男性担任董事, 相比之下,8%的女性是这样. 妇女和少数民族在就业和晋升方面仍然存在障碍. 平权法案为机会和进步打开了大门.
The so-called earnings gap between men and women has closed significantly in recent years; therefore, 实现薪酬平等不再需要平权行动.
In 1993, the total amount of wages women lost due to pay inequity was nearly $100 billion. The average woman loses approximately $420,000 over a lifetime due to unequal pay practices. 男性每挣1美元,职业女性只能挣70美分多一点. Much of this wage gap is due to the fact that women are still segregated into traditionally female-dominated jobs where wages are low. In 1993, 61%的就业妇女从事技术/销售工作, 服务, 以及行政支持/文书职位, while only 28 percent of women worked in higher-paying managerial and professional fields. 此外,即使在同一职业中,薪酬差距也存在. 在劳工统计局追踪的86个职业中, 女性的收入比男性低20%到35%. 例如,女大学教授的工资是77美元.男性教授工资的1%. 女性公关专家的收入为76.只有男性同事工资的7%. 从事证券和金融服务的女性平均工资为65岁.是男性工资的6%.
Most analyses that point to wage differentials between men and women do not take into account differences in hours worked and years of uninterrupted work experience between the sexes. 女性收入下降是因为她们工作, 平均, fewer hours per week than men and have more interruptions over their working lives than do men.
The wage inequities most often cited are based on Department of Labor and Census Bureau data on year-round, 与劳动力有长期联系的全职工人. 这个数据没有比较全职男性员工和兼职女性员工, 它也没有将固定员工与兼职和临时员工进行比较.

这个信息是从 美国大学妇女协会