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Michael Ortiz RN 5W CC CON NP student-Taryn Bitzer Crouse nurse CON NP student

Interprofessional Education

Office of Interprofessional Education

Office of Interprofessional Education
Weiskotten Hall
766 Irving Avenue 
Syracuse, NY 13210
谷歌地图 & 方向

电话: 315-464-3915
电子邮件: [email protected]

上州医科大学的跨专业教育办公室(IPE)促进了团队合作的发展, 协作, and communication skills for learners within each of our four colleges.  我们支持上州医科大学的目标,即为所有学习者推进跨专业教育合作(IPEC)的IPE四项核心能力:  

  1. 与其他专业人士合作,保持相互尊重和共享价值观的氛围. (Values/Ethics for Interprofessional Practice)
  2. 运用自己的角色和其他专业的知识,适当地评估和解决病人的卫生保健需求,促进和推进人口的健康. (Roles/Responsibilities) 
  3. Communicate with patients, 家庭, 社区, 以及卫生和其他领域的专业人员,以负责任的态度,支持以团队方式促进和维护健康,预防和治疗疾病. (Interprofessional Communication) 
  4. 运用建立关系的价值观和团队动态的原则,在不同的团队角色中有效地执行计划, 交付, 评估以患者/人群为中心的护理和安全的人群健康计划和政策, 及时的, 非常高效。, 有效的, 和公平. (Teams and Teamwork) 

(From the Interprofessional Education Collaborative, “Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: 2016 Update”) 


Interprofessional Education (IPE) occurs

“when students 从 two or more 职业 engage in learning with, 从, 并相互关注,以实现有效合作并改善健康结果.”

World Health Organization, 2010

IPE is a foundation for future collaborative practice and team-based care. IPE与改善患者和医疗保健质量结果之间存在明显的联系. 高效的团队和团队成员在技术方面(知道如何完成他们的职责)和非技术方面(沟通)都表现出色, conflict management, and teamwork) aspects of care.

Two students conversing in an open setting
Students conversing in classroom setting

任务 & 愿景


Our mission is to support teamwork, 协作, and communication skills in 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s 教育al programs. IPE反过来支持跨专业合作实践和医疗保健的三重目标:

  • Better patient outcomes
  • Increased patient satisfaction
  • 降低成本
  • Reducing care provider burnout
  • 卫生公平


Our vision is that all 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 students, 教师, 员工在跨专业合作实践中的准备和成功将得到广泛认可. 

上州医科大学跨专业教育办公室致力于在教师的大力投入下共同创造跨专业学习机会, 工作人员, 和学生.  


研究 & 资源

These national and international organizations, 期刊, 和资源为跨专业教育和协作实践提供了丰富的基于研究的见解.


Interprofessional Organizations

Interprofessional Education Collaborative

由15个美国卫生专业教育协会组成的卫生专业学校, IPEC促进组织努力促进跨专业学习经验.

Interprofessional Education Collaborative

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education

The National Center offers and supports evaluation, 研究, 点燃跨专业实践和教育领域的数据和证据,并导致更好的护理, added value and healthier 社区.

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education

World Health Organization Department of Human 资源 for Health

 世卫组织卫生人力资源司的使命是通过发展和传播高质量的资料,促进社区和全球卫生, equitable healthcare.

World Health Organization Department of Human 资源 for Health

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

IHI is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of improvement science, person and family-centered care, 患者安全, quality cost and value in healthcare 交付y, and the achievement of the Triple Aim.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement


NCICLE为致力于改善临床学习环境中的教育经验和患者护理结果的组织提供了一个论坛. niccle旨在通过其成员组织之间的共享学习和协作实践,提高cle内部的学习和患者护理质量.


Interprofessional Journals


Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice 

Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice 是一份仅限在线出版的季刊,通过同行评审的文章和报告,为跨专业的教育工作者和从业者提供创新的想法.  

Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice  

The Journal of 研究 in Interprofessional Practice and Education

The Journal of 研究 in Interprofessional Practice and Education is an open-access journal that disseminates theoretical perspectives, 方法, and evidence-based knowledge to inform interprofessional practice, 教育, and 研究 to improve health care 交付y, quality of care, and health status for individuals, 家庭, and 社区. 

The Journal of 研究 in Interprofessional Practice and Education

Journal of Interprofessional Care 

跨专业护理杂志 传播跨专业教育和实践领域的研究和新发展. 文章具有明确的跨专业重点,并涉及一系列设置, 职业, 和字段. Areas of practice covered include primary, community and hospital care, health 教育 and public health, 并超越保健和社会保健,进入刑事司法和初等教育等领域. 

Journal of Interprofessional Care 

Interprofessional Videos


Center for Medical 模拟 webinar on broaching race and racism
Cleveland Clinic - Empathy: The Human Connection to 病人护理

Interprofessional 评估 资源


Meet the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Interprofessional Education Leadership Team

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 IPE领导团队的存在是为了服务于所有医疗保健专业人员的利益,并提供以下支持:  

  • 试点和实施创新项目和经验,以满足不断发展的学习者和认证需求
  • Consults with 教师 and 工作人员 to provide quality IPE experiences
  • 从IPE学习事件中收集数据,不断衡量和改善教师的学习成果, 工作人员, 和学生
  • 与地区学院和大学项目合作开展国际环境教育项目,以增加学习机会